Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Greener pastures

"Whether" can mean "which of two." Present two alternatives for your readers.

The Bear always credits me with making things more difficult than they have to be.
Hmmm.....this blogging project has turned into somewhat of a self assessment.
When I copied and pasted the writing prompt for tonight, I immediately started "thinking" of alternatives that I could present.
So I thought, this will be easy! Chocolate or vanilla.
Something like that. Easy, I thought.
But as it turned out, I was going to have to come up with some passion about choosing food, and who doesn't go through that already?

After I arrived home, I surveyed the evening duties, trying to arrive at priorities.
Immediately, my thoughts turned from blogging to trying to arrange dinner and other duties to allow me to get outside and go for a walk on this glorious day.
Then I knew what my topic or alternatives would be;
 either to sit inside at the computer or go for a walk.
And now that I'm reading the prompt again, this choice is actually for my readers, not me!

So, I'm going to share my pictures of the afternoon.
Here you see my weedy, raised bed, garden. Can you see it among the weeds?
Next, are the dogwood trees that must be planted, soon!
Actually, we have about six trees to plant this spring.
Now to the alternative to sitting at the computer, going for a walk with my buddy.
Dixie is excited! Can you see her tail wagging in this picture!
She almost wouldn't be still for me to take the picture.
Then we walked. It was a glorious afternoon.
It had just rained a few days ago.
The trees are budding, and the grass is growing.
I love these mesquite trees.
At least that's what my son, that I haven't named yet, calls them.
And then there's the rye and wheat grass fields with the pond in the distance.
Everything is getting so green!
I love spring.
Thank you BlogHer for the writing prompt that got me out for a walk today!


  1. I love this post for so many reasons. First being that I am working more and more at getting off this damn computer and taking action. I actually think doing NaBloPoMo for five months sort of got me a little hooked to the thing, and I'm pulling away now, and it feels so good. Second, how clever to turn your thought process into a post. You took the action that you chose instead of working at the computer, and then your worked on the computer on it afterwards. Third, your garden has me GREEN with envy. What a beautiful piece of property. I'm so jealous!

    1. Thank you for your comments! I know exactly what you mean about being hooked on this computer and blogging. I'm thinking a 12 step program is going to be required to get me off the computer! And this is only my third month! Yes, as I'm starting to spend more time outside, I'm not sure how I'm going to work everything in every day! Maybe stop sleeping? Again, thank you taking the time to read my post and commenting!

  2. I love all the green. My yarn is still covered with snow. I can't wait to start playing in the dirt!

  3. Yes, I love the green too! And it's so very green right now. It won't last long, as I'm afraid it's getting too warm too soon here.
    I love playing in the dirt too!!
